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Infocom 2005 will be held at the
Hyatt Regency Hotel
Miami, FL


March 13 - 17, 2005
Miami, Florida, USA

NEW: Please Click Here for the Poster/Demo Session Information.

Industry participation is strongly encouraged.

IEEE INFOCOM 2005 will include poster/demonstration sessions that shall provide a forum to present and discuss: works in progress, industry demonstrations of new applications and techniques, research testbeds and demonstrations, recent research and implementation results, upcoming research challenges, future directions, and novel approaches in the field of computer communications and networks. One of the key goals of this conference is to foster collaboration between industry and academia. Hence, participation of researchers/developers from industry and conference is to foster collaboration between industry and academia. Hence, participation of researchers and developers from industry and posters/demostrations reporting joint work between industry and academia are especially encouraged.
Submissions should be in the form of a proposal describing the main contributions of the poster/demo and the merits of the proposed ideas. If available, preliminary results can also be included. Proposals will be evaluated mainly based on their potential to stimulate interesting discussions, exchange of ideas and promote collaborations.
Accepted authors of posters/demos will have a space in the poster/demo session room to display their posters or exhibit their demos and describe their work in discussions with interested attendees. For posters, the presentation material will be made available for download on the INFOCOM 2005 Web site.
Please submit your proposal (PDF format) through EDAS (http://www.edas.info). Submissions should not be more than three pages in length. Demonstration submissions should include the space requirements and/or any other equipment-specific requirements. The documents must contain the authors' names, affiliations, and contact information and the designated corresponding author. The deadline for submission is January 10, 2004 (23:59 PDT). Acceptance notifications will be sent by January 25, 2005. In order for the poster to be included in the conference, at least one of the presenters must register for the conference by February 14, 2005. (One-day registration will be made available for participants, especially those from industry.)
Please contact one of the poster/demo session co-chairs below if additional information is required:



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Updated (Dec 9th 2004) by Alberto Comas and Ahmad Farhat. For questions or comments about this website, please mail to alberto.comas@fiu.edu or ahmad.farhat@fiu.edu.
For general or technical issues about Infocom'05, please contact Executive Committee.